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ISBN | 9788179923498 |
Published Year | 2004 |
Publisher | Jaico Publishing House |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 1 |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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Second Revised & Enlarged Edition The era of Brand Switch is here upon us. For many years, product and service marketeers felt customers were there with them for life, and started taking brand loyalty for granted. However, there has been a transformation in the Indian market and consumers today are now loyal to ‘perceived value’ and not necessarily to brands. Due to intense competition and a wide choice of brands, every Indian consumer today is equipped with what the author calls ‘an imaginary remote control’. With this imaginary remote control, the consumer explores various brands only momentarily and evaluates them according to the ‘perceived value’ he is getting. This is not to say that brand loyalty can no longer exists. However ‘perceived value loyalty’ will precede brand loyalty. Only after a thorough assessment would a consumer settle for a particular brand. The author has recommended a unique way to gain, retain and regain consumers through his Brand Switch Module™. The new edition of this book is enriched with the latest happenings in the brand world alongwith analysis and strategic thinking. A new refreshing concept of Brand Switcher™ has been added. Jagdeep Kapoor’s Brand Switch Module™ recommends strategies to convert, attract, increase, retain and reconvert customers leading to increased sales, market share and profits.
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