Nursing Education & Quality Assurance In Nursing Colleges

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ISBN 9789385999130
Published Year 2016
Publisher Jaypee
Condition New
Language English
Edition 1/E
Binding Paperback
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Product Full Description

Quick Overview Nursing Education and Quality Assurance in Nursing Colleges is packed under four sections. First section talks about the philosophies of education and nursing image. Second section deals with the essentials of curriculum, which are discussed in detail and provide the basis for curriculum planning and development. Teaching and learning process occupies the third section. This section explains the teaching and learning process. Quality assurance section runs in four chapters under the fourth section. This explains in detail about the quality assurance process in the nursing colleges that are built keeping in mind the mission, vision and objectives of the nursing schools and colleges. In addition, research works related to certain chapters are highlighted for enhancing the students’ knowledge in the field of application and integration of the current learning. This book addresses various aspects and also the quality assurance in nursing education. Key Features • This book covers the syllabus-oriented essential titles of nursing education • Each chapter starts with chapter highlights and specific objectives to give a defined start to the learners • Content is simplified and well organized using educational principles’ continuity, sequencing and integration • Taxonomy of education is explained in detail. Test construction strategies are well explained to give a boost to the learners as well as readers • All the essentials needed for curriculum planning, development and evaluation are dealt to give a boost to the learners as well as readers • The most important highlight of this book is the quality assurance in the nursing colleges. This would be very much useful for the students, teachers and administrators to assure quality in education • In addition, research links are provided to enhance application and integration skills among the students • Overall, this book would be helpful to young learners of nursing to get comprehensive text on general and modern philosophies of education, curriculum essentials, teaching and learning process, measurement and evaluation, guidance and conseling, and quality assurance in nursing education. Target Audience Undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students.



Published Year
Manivannan Syamala D,Manivannan Syamala D
No of Pages
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Nursing Education & Quality Assurance In Nursing Colleges

by Manivannan Syamala D,Manivannan Syamala D (Author)
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