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ISBN | 9789390619313 |
Published Year | 2022 |
Publisher | CBS Publishers & Distributors |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 7th |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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A Complete Next Centric Approach FMGE Solutions 7th edition book has been launched and can be accessible via AIBH (All India Book House) platform which is very prominent and the most recognized one concerning medical manuals and books. The book is integrated with organized and systematic information.
The book provides great support to the FMGE entrance exam and it gives numerous positive outcomes. It is a lucrative source to acquire knowledge and information associated with the FMGE exam. FMGE Solutions 7th edition assists the aspirants to prepare better and best for the FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Examination) examination. This book is written by Dr Deepak Marwah and Dr Siraj Ahmad. and published by CBS Publishers & Distributors.
This Deepak Marwah FMGE Solutions 7th edition comes with lots of new features and keeps you updated with the entire latest and updated questionnaires pattern. Students can also have an option to explore previous questions and look for the pattern for the examination which already appeared in FMGE. The authors have done a great analysis to make the sections worthwhile questions and they maintained a certain standard of the book.
The authors tried to delineate the exclusive content and questions segment which were not present in the earlier sections. The book immensely elucidates the detailed explanations for each question which resolve all your queries about specific questions. There is a segregated section for all the tips and advice to crack your FMGE exam. The book also keeps you motivated and propels you to achieve better.
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