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ISBN | 9789388257633 |
Published Year | 2019 |
Publisher | Thieme |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 3 |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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The Essential Revision Notes In Paediatrics For The Mrcpch book has arrived which incorporated comprehensive lessons on pediatrics. It can become a great source to obtain knowledge associated with the health and medical care of infants and children. It helps the pediatrician and those who are preparing for the MRCPCH exam to study every facet of the healthcare of infants and pediatrics field. This book elucidated all the fundamental aspects following the MRCPCH pattern. This book underpins in providing the interface for preparing for the exams as this book comprises all essential notes of pediatrics. . This book is compiled by Mark Beattie and published by Thieme.
The Essential Revision Notes In Paediatrics For The Mrcpch book allows the reader to get in-depth insights into the dynamics of a child's body and how the body responds to different stimuli. It is a comprehensive guide that has many illustrations and demonstrations of a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures for various disorders which affect infants and children and it's a great asset for the MRCPCH aspirants.
Salient Features of Essential Revision Notes In Paediatrics For The Mrcpch:
1. It’s the 3rd edition in the Paediatrics academic field.
2. It’s a returnable product where you can return your book within 3 days, and you can have your book with quick dispatch.
3. Author has included high-resolution images and figures with labelling so that readers can have a better understanding by visualisation.
4. Book has many illustrations and pertinent terminology which aids the reader in familiarising themself with the paediatrician field.
5. There are also intriguing questionnaire sections by which readers can evaluate their knowledge and understanding.
6. This book is a comprehensive guide to revising concepts related to paediatrics as the author mainly organises the information in points and helps students to prepare best.
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