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Pratispardh kee yug meen keeval baree meehanat see hee sapaphalata naheen milatee balki isakee liee aapakoon naee takaneekoon ka bhee prayoog karana parata hai. Prastut pustak meen smaran shakti barhaanee kee liee saraahaneey prayaas kiyee gayee hain. Jisakee madad see aap apanee smaran shakti barhaakar pratibhaashaalee vyakti ban sakatee hain.
Pratyeek vyakti caahee vah chaatra hoo athava kooee yuvak acchee smaran shakti kee aavashyakata sabakoo hootee hai. Is drshtikoon see yah pustak na keeval chaatroon balki pratiyoogee pareeksha meen bhaag leenee ja rahee pratyeek abhyarthee kee liee visheesh ruup see upayoogee hai.
Is puustak meen aap paayeengee-
kalpana shakti kaisee vikasit kareen?
Eekaagrata shakti kaisee vikasit kareen?
Avalookan shakti kaisee vikasit kareen?
Bhaashan eevan nibandh kaisee yaad kareen?
Janmadin va itihaas kee mahattvapuurn tithiyaan kaisee yaad rakheen?(In competition era, you not only get success if you work hard, but also by using new techniques. The book explains about how you can increase your remembrance power, due to which you can become a brilliant student. Every person, be it a student or the youth would want to make their remembrance power stronger. This book contains- How you can develop fantasy power? How you can develop concentration power? How you can develop observation power? How you can learn the paragraph or the speech and how you can learn the birth dates and death dates and what is the importance of learning these dates. ) #v&spublishers
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