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ISBN | 9788184950618 |
Published Year | 2009 |
Publisher | Jaico Publishing House |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 1 |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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Ken Blanchard, one of the best-known leadership and business experts, helps you understand and experience the art of influence by revealing the greatest life and leadership lessons he’s learned in his rich career as an educator and business leader. The Heart of a Leader offers Blanchard’s insight and wisdom on: — Choosing values — Aiming for excellence — Maintaining integrity — Finding the courage to change — Helping others reach their potential — And much more Powerfully challenging and deeply inspiring, The Heart of a Leader will enable you to develop the courageous heart of a true leader, to master key attitudes and actions needed to impact lives around you, and enjoy the profound wisdom that only Ken Blanchard can deliver.
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