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ISBN | 9788179928370 |
Published Year | 2008 |
Publisher | Jaico Publishing House |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 1 |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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Knowledge of measurement and instrumentation is of increasing importance in industry. Advances in automated manufacturing and requirement to conform to various standards have resulted in a large number of computerised and automated inspection techniques along with the classical metrology methods. Manufacturers have to find new ways of ensuring that the quality of their products and processes remains the best in the global market. The best way for the engineering sector to compete against industrialised nations is to focus on high-quality, value-added engineering. Principles of Engineering Metrology explains the salient features in dimensional metrology as per IS and ISO standards methods. It explains in detail the applications of form, position and orientation of various features with mathematical background and a good number of illustrations. The book is targeted as a guide to practicing engineers in dimensional metrology and students of mechanical engineering and production engineering. Dimensional metrology laboratories engaged in consultancy, as well as machining shops, and assembly units of mechanical components will also find this book useful. It will also be suitable to machine tool shops for preliminary studies.
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