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ISBN | 9789390595396 |
Published Year | 2021 |
Publisher | Jaypee |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 3/E |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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Quick Overview This edition explains basic concepts of General Pathology with few more illustrations. Another interesting feature is that every chapter covers a list of essay type questions, short answer questions and multiple choice questions. This will make the reading more interesting and paves a way for self-directed learning which may be profound help while preparing for the examination. A lot of changes have been made in the text on Genetics incorporating various advances in the field of genetics. Key Features Presents a simplified and concise textbook of Pathology and Genetics for Nurses. Used many illustrations and tables for easy understanding. Covers the topics of general and systemic pathology. The Unit 4 on Clinical Pathology will be of great use particular in bed side management. Learning objectives are clearly mentioned in the start of every chapter and the salient points are summarized in Points to Ponder. Also includes evaluation questions in the form of essay type questions, short answer questions and multiple choice questions which will be of great use to the students preparing for the summative examinations. Target Audience • Nursing Students
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