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ISBN | 9789389188691 |
Published Year | 2020 |
Publisher | Jaypee |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 1/E |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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My purpose of writing this book is “To make the subject of nutrition reach masses.” The entire book is divided into seven units which are as follows: • The First Unit gives a little introduction to the subject regarding food and nutrition, relation of nutrition to health, food habits of people and also changing concepts in the subject from time to time. • The Second Unit takes you to the journey towards classification of foods on the basis of different parameters which gives you a better understanding of the subject. • The Third Unit describes the dietary requirements of a person, how to plan balanced diet, how to budget your food and also allergies and intolerance of food intake. • Unit Four explains the cookery rules, preservation and storage of food items in order to maintain its quality and standards. Fifth Unit takes you close to all therapeutic diets/diet plans in different diseases and also gives you some sample diet plans on the platter. • Sixth Unit is about community nutrition, introduction to some national/international food agencies, very important and additional information and also some common nutritional problems in India. • The last and the Seventh Unit is poised to give you the knowledge of preparation and principles of diet, personal hygiene and some common hospital diets.
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