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ISBN | 9781626236578 |
Published Year | 2014 |
Publisher | Thieme |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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Presenting essential topics in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, this second edition of the bestselling Essentials of Plastic Surgery has been totally revised and updated to reflect substantial advances in this dynamic specialty. Coverage includes aesthetic surgery, face lift, neck lift, fillers, and breast augmentation along with reconstructive topics such as wound healing and microsurgery. This edition contains the work of many new contributors as well as several new chapters, including: Fundamentals of Perforator Flaps Vascularized Composite Allografts and Transplant Immunology Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Surgical Treatment of Migraine Headaches Face Transplantation Augmentation-Mastopexy Nipple-Areolar Reconstruction Foot Ulcers Lymphedema Distal Radius Fractures Hand Transplantation Facial Analysis Fat Grafting This second edition retains its seven-part structure as well as the familiar bullet point style, format, and pocket size that made the first edition so successful. References have been updated and significant additions have been made to graphics, including tables, charts, and illustrations. An eBook version is included with the print book. There are no reviews for this product.
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