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ISBN | 9781108814867 |
Published Year | 2020 |
Publisher | Cambridge |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 4sae |
Binding | paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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This has been out of print for a long time, but it has influenced the training and clinical practice of several generations of psychiatrists. A new generation of practitioners and students is introduced to Fish's clinical descriptions and psychopathological insights in the third edition of this modern classic. For medical students, psychiatry residents, and practicing psychiatrists, this is an essential text.
Psychiatric nurses, mental health social workers, clinical psychologists, and all readers who value clear descriptions of mental illness symptoms and insightful accounts of the many and varied manifestations of disordered psychological function will also find it interesting. a brand-new edition of the classic text. Personality disorders, cognitive distortion, defense mechanisms, memory, and unusual psychiatric syndromes are now covered in new sections. updated allusions to current works of literature.
This is the fourth edition of Fish's Clinical Psychopathology - Signs And Symptoms In Psychiatry show houses of the major demonstration of signs and symptoms in psychiatry. This fourth edition involves a lot of new features while retaining the main layout and foundation of the book. The majority of the book is written for medical students and psychiatrists preparing for the psychiatry specialty.
It likewise permits the peruser to get top to bottom bits of knowledge of the elements of the cerebrum, mental way of behaving, and much more. It is a comprehensive guide with numerous brain-related illustrations and demonstrations. Despite this, the author made an effort to include several additional concepts, including maladaptation, mood, perceptions, cognition, and behavior. It helps students gain a deeper understanding and insight as well as the psychiatrist, either directly or indirectly.
The book is written by Patricia Casey, and Brendan Kelly and published by Cambridge.
This is the fourth volume of Fish Clinical Psychopathology - Signs And Symptoms In Psychiatry.
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