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ISBN | 9789387963405 |
Published Year | 2018 |
Publisher | Wolters Kluwer |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 1 |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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Snell's clinical anatomy by regions book has shown up which is consolidated with well-organized illustrations of top to bottom life structures of the body. It helps medical students study every fundamental mechanism related to the various organs and body parts. It paves the way for the extraction of vast knowledge associated with the fundamental basis of any medical field.
This Snell’s clinical anatomy Richard S snell book bridges the gap between the dynamism of the aforementioned and attends the in-depth anatomy. Wolters Kluwer is the publisher of this book, which was compiled by Richard S. Snell (Author), Vandana Mehta (Editor), and R. K. Suri (Editor) (Author).
Snell's Clinical Anatomy by Regions is just a few of the anatomy and mechanisms covered in various body parts or organs which elucidates the clinical anatomy by regions. It gives medical students and doctors a complete understanding of the anatomy of the whole spectrum of the body.
New Clinical Notes, Clinical Problems, and review questions, as well as an introduction to Embryologic Notes, are included in this edition. All Surface Anatomy illustrations have been recolored and are now available in color. Radiographs, CT scans, MRIs, and sonograms are all examples of advanced clinical imaging. The entire text of the book can be searched on a companion website.
Clinical Anatomy is one of the best teaching and learning resources for people who want to learn more about how anatomy is used in real life. This book is ideal for nursing, dental, allied health, and medical programs because it walks students through the fundamentals of human anatomy, explains how and why each structure works and gives readers the hands-on advice they need to make good clinical decisions.
1. The author has labeled improved illustrations and figures so that readers can better visualize their understanding.
2. The book's numerous illustrations and pertinent terminology help the reader become more familiar with anatomy.
3. In addition, there are intriguing question-and-answer sections where readers can assess their comprehension and knowledge.
4. The author also included tables and a flowchart to make the complicated data easier to understand.
5. Snell's clinical anatomy by regions describes each anatomy comprehensively and each explanation has its logic and justification.
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