Critical Care MCQs Problem-based Learning

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ISBN 9789356963108
Published Year 2024
Publisher Jaypee Brother Medical Publishers
Condition New
Language English
Edition 1
Binding Paperback
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Product Full Description

Quick Overview
This book has 32 chapters and approximately 950+ MCQs related to critical care medicine. Emphasis has been attributed to tropical diseases, infection control, neurocritical care, quality, patient safety, ethics, hemodynamic, and mechanical ventilation. The answers have been given for MCQs along with explanations and appropriate references at the end of every chapter. This book is highly interactive, and the content has been so designed as to cover the syllabus of critical care medicine training courses.
Key Features
  • This book is highly interactive and the content has been so designed as to cover the syllabus of critical care medicine courses.
  • This book has 32 chapters and approximately 950+ MCQs related to critical care medicine.
  • The focus of MCQs is on problems that would be encountered commonly in clinical practice rather than an assessment of the anyone’s knowledge of trivial facts that are seldom encountered.
  • Majority of questions are prepared with the clinical case scenario followed by relevant signs, symptoms, subsequent findings, etc.
  • In essence, all the relevant information is available that is necessary for a competent candidate to answer the question.
  • Well-constructed MCQs will test the application of medical knowledge (context-rich) rather than just the recall of information (context-free).
  • Ambiguity and the use of imprecise terms have been avoided throughout book.
Target Audience
Postgraduate Trainees in Critical Care



Published Year
Jaypee Brother Medical Publishers
Kapil Gangadhar Zipre, Subhal Bhalchandra Dixit, et al.
No of Pages
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Critical Care MCQs Problem-based Learning

by Kapil Gangadhar Zipre, Subhal Bhalchandra Dixit, et al. (Author)
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