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ISBN | 9789390619238 |
Published Year | 2023 |
Publisher | CBS |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 6th |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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This is the first book to provide such comprehensive coverage of medicine along with timely material based on the most recent format of NBE examinations in one convenient volume. A short yet complete theoretical treatment, well classified by both main and subsidiary themes. Including both explained questions and practice questions, this resource covers more than 3000 questions.
Colored image-based questions and a live lecture on cardiology are two novel features in this book apart from others on the market. AI, AIIMS, DNB, FMGE, UPSC, PGI, and other states' exam questions from the past 10 years.
The Complete Review of Medicine for NEXT/INI-CET & NBE was written with one goal in mind: to give you the most recent and most important MCQs, together with Harrison's latest edition updates, so that you can succeed on your next PGMEE examinations. The best things about the book are that it has all of the questions from "Complete Review of Medicine" and more than 5,000 MCQs that cover all recent exams.
The questions are arranged both by topic and by letter, and they include links to the most up-to-date information that is available. Major changes were made from a PGMEE perspective using the latest information from Harrison's. Detailed topic-based tables and flowcharts are provided. This book is written by Deepak Marwah.
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