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ISBN | 9788131919606 |
Published Year | 2021 |
Publisher | B. Jain |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 1 |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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Dr. Milind Rao and Dr. Mayuresh S. Mahajan the "guru-shishya" Jodi: this book has been penned down by a teacher and his student, unique in its genesis and nature. Dr Milind Rao, the revered teacher and life Guru is the mentor and to describe him is like describing the sun in the broad daylight. It is right to quote Dr a. Br. J. Kalam here, who said that, 'if you want to shine like the sun, first burn like a sun Dr Milind Rao burned all his life to give us the light. Dr Mayuresh Mahajan the favorite (and also the 'spoilt') student of our master, has spent hours with him and has mastered the healing Science under his leadership and guidance. This book is a collection of the different facets of pain; a sincere attempt to bring together the precious gems learnt from Sir. Dr Mayuresh Mahajan presents this book as a 'Guru dakshina' To his teacher, Dr Milind Rao, who always aimed to reach the masses, to spread the light of Homeopathy. Dr Mahajan has attempted to give voice to his speech and wings to his dreams. Readers are requested to follow the path and walk their own journey with the help of this book, which will be there to enlighten and guide them in times of need. This book is a must read for all the homeopaths who wishes nothing, but the correct remedy for their patient.
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