Water A Miracle Therapy-Global scientific research proves you can drink your way to good health with water

by Dr. A.K. Sethi, (Author)
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ISBN 9789381384800
Published Year 2011
Publisher V&S Publisher
Condition New
Language English
Edition Latest Revised Edition
Binding Paperback
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Product Full Description

The more the science has advanced the further away have we moved from nature. Thanks to our artificial existence, even to quench a natural urge like thirst, we imbibe synthetic substances such as colas and caffeine-loaded drinks. Having starved our body of nature`s most precious liquid, water, we are beset with multiple ailments like headaches, arthritis, asthma, urinary problems, general debility, blood pressure and the like. Very often missing the root cause of the problem, we rush to doctors - only to have antibiotics pumped into us that offer short-term relief while turning into long-term nightmares. This book shows how drinking just 12 to 14 glasses of water per day (for the average person) cures many ailments, including chronic ones. #v&spublishers



Published Year
V&S Publisher
Latest Revised Edition
Dr. A.K. Sethi,
No of Pages
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Water A Miracle Therapy-Global scientific research proves you can drink your way to good health with...

by Dr. A.K. Sethi, (Author)
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