Success 2020-Success mantra to achieve your goal

by S.P. Sharma, (Author)
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ISBN 9789350570272
Published Year 2013
Publisher V&S Publisher
Condition New
Language English
Edition Latest Revised Edition
Binding Paperback
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Product Full Description

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will," said the famous American football coach, Vincent T. Lombardi. The book, Success 2020 exclusively talks about this will power and the various other ways and methods by which one can develop the will power, self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence, and other such traits that are absolutely essential or rather indispensable for achieving success in one's life. We all are aware of the fact that Success does not come within a day and Success doesn't come easy or fast. We have to strive hard for it with patience, perseverance and sincerity. This book is different and unique in itself from other Personality Development books in several aspects. Some of them are: • It stresses on building and developing a strong character. • It lays emphasis on good conduct, being positive in life, hard work, diligence, sincerity, honesty, etc. • The book explains exhaustively the significance of enhancing one's self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline, improving self-image, etc. • It also stresses on being calm and patient, while facing failures as they are the pillars of success. • The book teaches us some valuable concepts through which we can achieve our goals successfully, i.e., even success requires a proper management through goal setting, positive motivation, decision making, self-discipline, etc. This book is a treasure trove for the young generation, particularly the student class who are aspiring to build successful careers for themselves and also for all those enthusiastic readers and entrepreneurs who wish to achieve success and make it big in their lives. #v&spublishers



Published Year
V&S Publisher
Latest Revised Edition
S.P. Sharma,
No of Pages
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Success 2020-Success mantra to achieve your goal

by S.P. Sharma, (Author)
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