Marketing For Beginners-The key concepts

by Bittu Kumar, (Author)
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ISBN 9789381588574
Published Year 2012
Publisher V&S Publisher
Condition New
Language English
Edition Latest Revised Edition
Binding Paperback
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Product Full Description

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself, said Peter F. Drucker (1909 – 2005), a famous American writer and management consultant. The book, Marketing for Beginners gives an exhaustive explanation about the key concept of marketing, its strategies, and defines the important terminologies, such as Brand Selection, Distribution Channels, Vendor Selection, Pricing, Sales Process, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), etc. in a very simple and lucid language which can be easily understood by the readers, particularly the students of MBA and Marketing. It’s different and exclusive from other Marketing or Management books as it not only gives the detailed description of the various components of Marketing, but also cites examples to explain each of them, making it crystal clear to the readers. The main purpose of this book is to arouse the interests of the students educate and make them aware of what Marketing is all about. It also aims to find solutions to all the queries that arise in their young minds relating to this vast and complex subject. So readers grab this precise yet unique book on Marketing if you are a beginner and want to learn the tricks of the trade to prosper or you are a student aspiring to build a bright future in this field. #v&spublishers



Published Year
V&S Publisher
Latest Revised Edition
Bittu Kumar,
No of Pages
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Marketing For Beginners-The key concepts

by Bittu Kumar, (Author)
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