Concise Hindi - English Dictionary (Hb) ( Hindi - Angrezi Shabdkosh)-Popular terms in Hindi and their corresponding meaning in English

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ISBN 9789350571446
Published Year 2014
Publisher V&S Publisher
Condition New
Language Hindi
Edition Latest Revised Edition
Binding Hardbound
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Product Full Description

Hindi- Angrezi Shabdhkosh V&S Publishers ki nayi prastuti hai. Prastut Shabdhkosh mai Hindi shabdhon ke deshaj, aanchalik,vigyan,banking,aadi me aane wale sabhi upyupt shabdhon ke aangrezi shabh tatha us ke vyakarndiya kram ki jaankari de gayi hai.Es Shabdkosh mein shabhdon ka kram vinyas swar varan; a se ao tatha baad me vyanjan vran k se h se rakha gaya hai. Swarwarn me anusaar yukt shabado ko jese an, ank, anki,ankee,anku,ankoo,ankri,anke,ankai,ankon,ankau,etyadi k kram me rakha gaya hai. Yeh sanskaran school, college k chatro shikhavido k sath sath un logo k lea bhi upyogi sabit hogi jo angrezi bhasha k hindi aarth janna chate hai. Shabdhkosh k aant me saamnaya jan jevan me pratchlit shabdon, maap tol k manak, hindi angrezi muhavre, bhartiya samvidhan me prayukt hindi k parabhashik shabdon aadi ko rakha gaya hai.(The Hindi-English dictionary is a new presentation of V &S Publishers.In the dictionary presented, English words of all the appropriate words in Hindi, Zonal, Science, Banking etc. and information about its grammatical order is given.In this dictionary, the ordering of the words is kept up to the vocabulary (A to Au) and later Vyjnavaran (A to ha).This edition will prove useful for the school / college students, along with academicians and for those who wish to learn the Hindi meaning of English language.At the end of the dictionary, the vocabulary words common in general life, standards of measurement, Hindi idioms and definitions of Hindi used in the Indian Constitution have been added as a specific addendum.) #v&spublishers



Published Year
V&S Publisher
Latest Revised Edition
V&S Editorial Board,
No of Pages
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Concise Hindi - English Dictionary (Hb) ( Hindi - Angrezi Shabdkosh)-Popular terms in Hindi and the...

by V&S Editorial Board, (Author)
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