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ISBN | 9789350588352 |
Published Year | 2012 |
Publisher | V&S Publisher |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | Latest Revised Edition |
Binding | Hardbound |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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The book is a marvellous treasury of legends of Tenali Raman and Emperor Raya which evokes a long lost, never-never land: an enchanted world of alert wits and tricky gossips; crafty crooks with biting tongues, valiant brigands and an assorted cluster of uncommon common people. Each story is followed by terse moral and incalculable snippets which are usually that little extra that brings the reader a little more closer to his goal on the way to realisation. Every story purveys a pithy folk wisdom that triumphs over all trials and tribulations. The book also exposes how richly endowed Bharata Khanda (India before invasions) had been in the east in the field of wisdom and knowledge down the ages of which the west is ignorant. #v&spublishers
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