Product Full Description
Effective communication is the key factor that ensures success in all business and professional activities. It is a complex subject that requires knowledge of not only the language used, but also of human behaviour and sensitivities along with the basics of the business or professional activities of one’s choice.
Spoken and Written BUSINESS ENGLISH fulfills this requirement by providing easy-to-understand knowledge on:
• Communication Basics
• Spoken Business English
• Written Business English
• Useful Reference Materials
This book is a complete guide for all business and professional communication activities explaining in a simple language how people interact with each other through their body language, etiquettes and manners and also through effective use of spoken and written English. It teaches how to speak well at the workplace, at meetings, seminars and in public. It also explains how to write error-free and effective memos, letters, applications and reports. The book contains an exhaustive reference section which provides information to facilitate business and professional activities around the world.
Hence, we can conclude by saying that no work place would be complete without a copy of this book. So dear readers, it will serve as a Bible for all of you who are in service, in any profession, or managing their own business.
Latest Revised Edition
Arun Sagar ‘Anand’,
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