The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Indian government named JIPMER as a national institution in 2008. It is an institution designed for patient care, medical research, and teaching. JIPMER is located on 192 acres. The institution contains seven hospital blocks, an academic center, a nursing college, one administration block, four residential complexes, seven buildings for auxiliary services, and seven hospital blocks. Medical, nursing, and allied health science courses are given in 12 primary areas, ranging from fundamental to highly specialized education. This exam goes follows all the standards and policies which are governed by NICU protocol.
JIPMER is one of the very few universities in the country that provides education in a variety of areas, from undergraduate studies to super- and sub-specialties conducts innovative research, and provides the highest level of specialized care.
The JIPMER model is distinct. Given that it provides free specialist medical care while maintaining quality and safety, JIPMER is a pioneering model in the country which adheres to the NICU protocol. JIPMER's success in providing the best treatment, even to those in society who can least afford it, serves as an example of how specialist care will be provided in the future. One of the top five medical schools in the country is still JIPMER.
JIPMER Nursing officer exam:
JIPMER (Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research) nursing officer exam is solely conducted for the nursing domain and JIPMER has governed this exam. The nursing exam has to follow all the policies and code of conduct which has been set by the JIPMER body. This is one of the standard nursing exams that is recognized worldwide. This is the best pursuit for anyone who wants to pursue a career in the nursing world.
JIPMER Nursing officer exam is one of the extensive examinations which incorporates the core nursing medical practice and caters to all the fundamentals of nursing practice. JIPMER is one of the highly recognized organizations which takes responsibility to conduct the nursing officer exam following NICU protocol.
In this article, you will get to know the full-fledged and proper guidance for the JIPMER nursing officer exam. To crack this nursing officer exam, one should have a proper strategy and techniques, which you will surely find in this article. One of the major conundrums which students often encounter is where to start, and which books we need to follow, as there are numerous books available in the market by different authors. Finding the best medical books online by dextrous authors is one of the tasks. Here, in this article, you will also get to know the best books which you must follow during your JIPMER nursing officer exam preparation.
Candidates must be well-prepared for the upcoming Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) test. This post will provide a thorough list of every JIPMER Nursing Officer Books pdf applicant would need to ace the online questioning, organized by subject. You may either buy the JIPMER Nursing Officer Books locally or get a pdf version of them online. The selection process for nursing officers at JIPMER would include both online and skill examinations.
There are umpteen options available for the preparation and additionally, you can also go for the online practice. There are different sets of test series available that you can take and practice. The curriculum and syllabus for the online test have been taken into consideration when recommending the JIPMER Nursing Officer Books.
Candidates who meet all requirements for JIPMER Nursing Officer eligibility must be well-versed in the curriculum to know exactly what to anticipate from each topic in the test. These medical books online will aid candidates in test preparation by providing the finest subject coverage and question banks. The JIPMER Nursing Officer test is not difficult, but your preparation is key. The subject is not difficult for the applicants.
There are three main domains on which you need to concentrate more which are:
1. General Nursing & Midwifery.
2. General English
3. Reasoning
4. Numerical Ability
5. General Awareness and Current Affairs.
The core of the JIPMER nursing officer exam is GNM (General Nursing & Midwifery) which caters to the main theme of the exam and major marks of the examination. Understanding the sorts of questions offered, the level of complexity of the test, and significant areas that call for your attentive attention will be made easier for you if you are familiar with the JIPMER Nursing Officer Exam Pattern. Additionally, it will familiarise you with the scoring system and the time given for each Topic. You can browse medical books online for the same on AIBH.
Every year, there will be several vacancies and it has been seen that huge crowd hunts for this examination. A skill test will be given to the applicants who pass the online written exam. The pay for those hired as JIPMER Nursing Officers is approx Rs 44900 per month.
Some well-known books:
This post lists the top JIPMER Nursing Officer Books pdf for exam preparation which can be smoothly accessed from AIBH (All India Book House). The most effective books and study materials to use to be ready for both the online exam and the skill test are listed below for interested applicants.
1. Clinical Nursing Procedures: The Art of Nursing Practice - This book has been recommended by many experts who have experience in the JIPMER examination. This book is written by Annamma Jacob. This book includes knowledge of the newest practices and trends in nursing that have been gathered from nursing experts working across the world.
2. Manual of Nursing Procedures and Practice - This is also one of the highly recognized books which are extremely lucrative for the JIPMER nursing officer examination. This book is written by Omayal Achi. The medical books online will help nurses in a range of contexts deliver knowledgeable and effective patient care.
3. Surgical Instrumentation: An Interactive Approach - This is another well-known book that is very advantageous for the JIPMER nursing officer test. The author of this book is Renee Nemitz. The book provides a concise overview of every medical equipment using an interactive method.
The aforementioned book has been proven beneficial in the context of the JIPMER nursing officer examination and is also very popular for its reparation of the rest of the respective subjects, you can follow the general as the syllabus is very usual. You need to majorly concentrate on the GNM domain as this carries the majority of marks in the test.
The applicant will benefit from these books as they get ready for both the written and skill tests.
Strategy for Preparing for the JIPMER Nursing Officer Exam in 2022:
A candidate must give their all at a test of this level. Along with diligence and perseverance, a clear, healthy mind will also be necessary for this exam. Candidates aiming for the JIPMER Nursing Officer Job Profile should plan their studies and adhere to the following advice:
First, go over the full syllabus first, and then segment the material according to time. Create a study timetable and adhere to it strictly. Spend 8 to 9 hours every day studying. Do read the newspaper to be informed and educate yourself about current events and world events.
Review the curriculum and continue your study sessions to have a deeper grasp. Make an effort to prepare consistently and regularly. Watch these upbeat videos when you're feeling down to gather your optimism. Don't forget to give yourself a little rest during periods of intense practice. This will allow you to refuel. Get the rest you need to renew your memory of the concepts and your understanding of them.
Final Words:
Since they have all been extensively updated and modernized and offer solutions to all of the most recent advances and modifications, the aforementioned books are all recognized as the finest JIPMER books. You may access all medical books online through AIBH.